
考博英語 責(zé)任編輯:楊曼婷 2021-09-29



Broadly speaking, I (1)the experience of would-be public intellectuals into two forms. In the period of the 1960s and 1970s, those working for social justice (2)intellectual work against the background of a ‘world under construction’- thought and action remained allied and the link to policy remained (3) for intellectuals to move beyond mere word games.

In thel980s and early 1990s, those intellectuals working for social justice in education faced a ‘world under deconstruction’ - many of (4)projects were dismantled or came under sustained attack. In this later period, detached from action and divorced from policy, the public intellectual was forced into an increasingly abstract position of arguing through words for policies and activities that (5) discourses of disavowal, displacement and derision. This is harsh terrain to occupy and yet there are many examples of people who continued to (6)social justices in race, gender and class terms.

I am reminded of a film I watched on the American Civil War. As the South was progressively defeated, (7) land was occupied -just a few towns and strips of land. In the end, the commentator said all that was left was a ‘confederacy of the mind’-a collective memory of an aspiration.

(8), that has been the fate of movements for social justice and of associated intellectual work (9) the past two decades. But we should not underestimate the ‘confederacy of the mind’. For one (10) I will make with great force is that the largest problem the attempted reconstruction of the past two decades(11)-the attempt to demolish the welfare state - is people’s collective memory of good public services, of commitments to provision for all,(12) it be schools or hospitals. The vital task now is to (13), reenergize and reinvent new projects and programs for social justice, for memories and predisposition in Britain remain(14) resilient. We should now be (15) define a new role for the educational researcher in (16) Britain, and do so in ways informed by collective memories of social justice initiatives. This should, hopefully, presage a new investigation of the role of educational researcher as public intellectual, moving us (17) a new phase after the hopeful years of the 1960s and early 1970s and the reversal in the two decades that followed. Now we can hope again there are postmodern prospects (18) I should note that I am not (19) re-establishing some old master narrative of social justice - more (20) voices and visions, a moving mosaic of intentions and plans.

1.A、 had divided             B、 divided             C、 had been dividing              D、 have been dividing

2.A、 undertook               B、 undertake         C、 accepted                            D、 accept












