
考博英語 責(zé)任編輯:張雪丹 2022-03-01


1. 故事/報(bào)告類Story/ Report Type

Paragraph 1 描述文字+得出結(jié)論

It is quite obvious / apparent to all of us that the above story describesthat 講故事(2-3句慨述. From this story, we can easily arrive at such conclusion that_結(jié)論(參考提示語).

Paragraph 2 根據(jù)主題分類展開或舉例說明

Undoubtedly, such case frequently occur in our daily life. A case in pointis that _______. There is another example to illustrate this point. 例子(也可根據(jù)主題分類,參考前面的models 1-4)

Paragraph 3作者的結(jié)論或評(píng)論

Based on what has been illustrated above, we should have a correct attitudetowards 主題 ――(解釋主題)(如one’s life consists of lots of goals. )If we … , we willnecessarily benefit a lot from it.

2. 圖表類Graph Type

Paragraph 1 慨述圖標(biāo)+具體變化

As can be seen clearly from the above graph, there has been an obvioustendency withrespect to ______ (參考提示語) in the past ___years. According to the figuresshown in the graph, the number of (private cars )…rose slightly from___ in____to_____in _____. However, there was a sudden rapid decline in the number of( private cars ) from … to…in______.

Paragraph 2緊扣主題句,分析原因

Obviously, it is not difficult for us to come up with some possible factorsthat contribute to the above tendency. In the first place, …. In the secondplace, …. At last, ….

Paragraph 3發(fā)表議論,提出建議或預(yù)測(cè)

Based on what has been analyzed, we can say that the drawer intends notonly to tell us the fact itself, but also set us thinking about _____. By theway, we may reasonably predict that, with the further development of reformopening-up, the number of ______ will continue to grow steadily in theforthcoming decade.

3. Cartoon Type

Paragraph 1 描述漫畫+得出結(jié)論

Here is a vivid lively cartoon which depicts ______(2-3句概述, Obviously,this picture conveys us a strong message that _______

Paragraph 2 根據(jù)主題分類展開或舉例說明

It is not difficult for us to come up with some possible factors thatcontribute to the above phenomenon if thinking carefully. To begin with, ….What’s more,…. At last,…

Paragraph 3作者的結(jié)論或評(píng)論

Based on what has been discussed, I personally believe that it is high timefor us to adopt some effective measures to deal with such situation. On the onehand,… ; on the other hand,…. Only in these ways can we _____ (prevent….from…;guarantee …; protect …from…; solve this matter effectively successfully)










